How to Effectively Prepare For RRB Exams: Comprehensive Guide and Exam Strategy for Success
RRB (Railway) Recruitment Board)
A government organization that recruits candidates for the Indian
Railways. It was introduced in 1998 in the Ministry of Railways, New Delhi. There
are 21 RRBs across India. The organization conduct examinations before
recruitment. These examinations are highly competitive, and candidates are
selected based on their performance. Candidates must clear the tests of the
respective selection categories.
Categories for the Selection Process:
Ø Written Test
Ø Physical
Efficiency Test
Ø Medical Exam
Ø Document Verification
Railway Zones – 21 RRBs:
Ø RRB Allahabad
Ø 2. RRB Ahmedabad
Ø 3. RRB Ajmer
Ø 4. RRB Bangalore
Ø 5. RRB Bhopal
Ø 6. RRB Bilaspur
Ø 7. RRB Chandigarh
Ø 8. RRB Chennai
Ø 9. RRB Gorakhpur
Ø 10. RRB Guwahati
Ø 11. RRB Jammu
Ø 12. RRB Kolkata
Ø 13. RRB Malda
Ø 14. RRB Mumbai
Ø 15. RRB Muzaffarpur
Ø 16. RRB Patna
Ø 17. RRB Ranchi
Ø 18. RRB Secunderabad
Ø 19. RRB Siliguri
Ø 20. RRB Thiruvananthapuram
Ø 21. RRB Delhi
Ø Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP)
Ø Technician
Ø Junior Engineer (JE)
Ø Senior Section Engineer (SSE)
Ø Group D – Track Maintainer,
Pointsman etc.
Ø Non-Technical Popular Categories
(NTPC) – Station Master, Ticket Collector, etc.
RRB 2024 Exam Schedule: For RRB NTPC 2024, it is expected to
be released between July and September 2024. Kindly, check the website for the
further details, such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary, etc.
in the given website.
Duration: 90 minutes
Exam Syllabus:
NTPC Syllabus:
Quantitative Aptitude: Number System, Decimal, Fractions, LCM and HCF, Percentage,
Ratio and Proportion, Mensuration, Speed, Time, and Distance, Time and Work,
Simple and Compound Interest, Elementary Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry,
Elementary Statistics, Data Interpretation.
Reasoning Ability: Puzzle, Seating Arrangement, Inequalities, Analogies, Syllogism, Data
Sufficiency, Statement and Conclusion, Blood Relation, Direction Test, Decision
Making, Coding-Decoding.
General Awareness: National and International Current Affairs, Games and Sports, Awards,
Books and Authors, Indian Literature, Common Abbreviations, Important
Government Organizations, Indian Polity and Governance, History of India,
Banking History, Basics of Computer.
JE Syllabus:
Number System, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM & HCF, Ratio and
Proportion, Percentage, Mensuration, Pipes and Cisterns, Square root & Cube
root, Elementary Statistics, Trigonometry, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound
Interest, Speed, Time & Distance, Time and Work.
General Reasoning: Alphabetical and Number Series, Analogies, Analytical reasoning,
Similarities and Differences, Classification, Conclusions and Decision Making,
Directions Test, Syllogism, Venn Diagram, Blood Relations, Coding and Decoding,
Mathematical Operations.
General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Indian geography, Environmental
issues, Sports.
General Awareness: India and International Current Affairs, culture and history of India,
Indian Polity and constitution, Static General Knowledge.
3.RRB ALP Syllabus:
Number system, Mathematical operations, Pipes & Cistern, Age Calculations,
Elementary Statistics, Square root & Cube Root, Trigonometry, Profit and
Loss, Algebra, Simple and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Speed, Distance and
Time, Mensuration, Calendar and Clock, BODMAS.
General Intelligence and Reasoning: Statement – Arguments and Assumptions, Directions
Test, Analytical Reasoning, Similarities and Differences, Conclusions and
Decision Making, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Relationships, Venn
Diagram, Coding and Decoding, Number Series.
General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Indian geography, General scientific
and technological developments, Environmental issues, Sports, culture and
history of India, Indian Polity and constitution, Indian Economy.
Current Affairs: Knowledge of Current affairs.
Group D Syllabus:
Number System, Decimals, LCM, Ratio & Proportion, Mensuration, Time &
Distance, Profit & Loss, Geometry & Trigonometry, Square Root, Calendar
& Clock, Fractions, Time & Work, SI- CI, Algebra, Elementary
Statistics, Age Calculations, Pipes & Cisterns, BODMAS, HCF, Percentages.
General Intelligence and Reasoning: Reasoning, Analogies, Coding-Decoding, Relationships,
Jumbling, DI & Sufficiency, Similarities & Differences,
Classifications, Statement- Argument & Assumptions, Alphabetical Series,
Syllogisms, Venn Diagram, Conclusion, Directions, Numerical Series, Analytical
General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Personalities, Economics, Politics
and other subjects.
General Awareness and Current Affairs: Science & Technology, Sports, Culture, Economics,
Politics and other subjects.
Marking Scheme:
1 mark
for correct answer.
marking for an incorrect answer.
marks for unattempt questions.
1 mark
for the correct answer.
mark will be reduced for the wrong answer.
marks for unattempt questions.
negative marking.
minimum T-Score of 42 (means 42%) is required to qualify the CBAT.
Typing Test Pattern:
need to type 30 WPM (word per limit) in English or 25 WPM in Hindi without
editing tools and a spell-check facility to qualify.
**For registration and
queries, mail
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